從知名動畫人物到日本傳統形象,日本紙雕藝術家 Mr Riu 創作出許多細膩、細緻的紙雕作品,幾乎到了「吹彈可破」的地步,不相信嗎?看下去就知道!
. the title : SAMURAI SPIRIT (2014) . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#art#drawing#sketch#zentangle#blackandwhite#Japan#samurai#tripleexposure#doubleexposure#切り絵
Mr Riu 的紙雕作品處處充滿了令人驚喜的細節,像是這幅名為 Samurai Spirit 的作品,從天飄落的櫻花花瓣映襯著兩名武士的英姿,這兩名武士一個豪邁的揮著武士刀,一個騎在馬上、準備向前奔馳,卻巧妙的融合在同一道剪影中,甚至嵌入櫻花和武士精神的英文字,文字與圖案彼此相互輝映著。
delicate and intricate... .
而在 Zenflower 系列中,Mr Riu 運用大量帶有鏤空特色的負空間,卻也特別考驗著他的手巧與手穩,像是這幅名為「Negative Twelve Leaves (Zenflower10)」的作品,如同蕾絲般的花紋,幾乎讓人忘了這是以紙為材質所雕刻出來的紙雕,捧在手中,好擔心一個不小心就會將各個圖案之間細到不能再細的連接處給弄斷,怎能不讓人用「吹彈可破」來表達最高度的擔心呢?
. finished!! 「Mandala with 21 circles」(Zenflower09)
而「Mandala with 21 circles (Zenflower09)」,由內到外總共由 21 個同心圓環繞著,不知情的人,應該會誤以為這是雷射雕刻而成的吧!
如果將 Mr Riu 的作品放到燈光下,光與影倒映出的又是另一番美景。
. Everything has a shadow. But we don't consciously observe ours... .
Mr Riu 的每一件作品都是從小處開始,然後慢慢演變成一幅巨作。當然,除了走著禪繞畫風格的 Zenflower 系列以外,Mr Riu 也會以動畫人物或場景作為主題,像是 Snoopy、妖怪手錶、天空之城、龍貓等等,不過即使是以動畫作為主題,Mr Riu 仍然十分細心的的帶入動畫中的其他人物、場景,令人看了會心一笑。
. Light and Shadow .
. completed!! the title: 「Skeleton with poor eyesight」☠ The skeletons says, "Are you glasses person or contact lense person? I'm ..." Here is a question! What do you think she says more? I'll announce my answer tomorrow! :) .
and papercuting.. .
finished!! the title: Promise 〜Change the future with your shining eyes〜 . The name of this character is "Robonyan". Robonyan is one of the character of the most popular TV anime "Yo- kai Watch" with Japanese children right now. My 6-year-old son love to watch the TV programs and picture books. The title "Promise" of this work include a promise that I make Robonyan work for him. At the same time, That include my wish that I want him to become a man of his word. In the anime, it's setting that Robonyan came from far future. The another theme of this work is "War and Peace" and "Co-existence between People and Nature". The works of Studio-Ghibli "Nausicaa""Laputa" inspired me to face the good and evil in my heart. I think Hayao Miyazaki is truly a genius. I'm just hoping that my work guide my son (and everyone) to peace on earth. 6歳の息子にロボニャン切り絵を作ってあげると約束したものの、色々切り上げたいものを優先していたら、かれこれ半年は経ち、ようやく完成に至りました。この作品は息子との大事な約束そのもので、何があってもちゃんと約束は守る、子供にはそんな人になってほしいという願いを込めてPromiseというタイトルにしています。また、尊敬する宮崎駿先生のナウシカとラピュタを中心に、神と自然に囲まれている人類の、愚かさと叡智、そして地球の未来を描いています。樹木が地中の有毒物を無毒化した末の腐海の底の清浄空間、ロボット兵が巨神兵の亡骸に花を手向け小鳥が集い、金糸状触手でナウシカを救っている穏やかな王蟲がいる部分、その「平和」な世界に差し込む光はロボニャンの右目から注がれているのですが、子供たちにはその輝く瞳で未来をしっかり見据えて、平和な地球を作り燦々と自分たちの未来を照らしてほしい、そう願って目をくり抜いています。正解なんてない、考えてほしい、そして君たち自身で未来を明るく照らしてほしいという願いです。欲を言うなら、この私の願いに対して子供たちがそれを「約束」してくれたら最高に嬉しいんだけどなあ、との希望も込めながら。。 .
the title: the maple peacock A new spiecies of peacock what it was said that he is phantom was discovered in Japan in this summer 2015. That peacock has 9 wings like maple leaf. It is said that the first discoverer changed into black clothes head-to-toe to take the brilliant appearance like jewel to the photo without leaving, and then he approached slowly slowly slowly, and challenged the shooting. The lives of that peacock is not known yet well and shrouded in mystery, but there is only one thing what we know about him. He would give a lot of things to those who touched his delicate body. For example, ultimate nervousness, concentration, patience, creativity, and big dream... The first discoverer says as follows: "I was so lucky that I have met him, but I think it was not coincidence. Because, I continued to pursue the possibility day after day, squinted to glimmer of distant little hope, and I was prepared to receive a good luck with steady search. Perhaps, we do not give up and continue doing our favorite, I am sure there is only one thing what we need." That peacock was named "the maple peacock" to the first discoverer, after shooting he became free again. He will be appearing in unexpected places like Phoenix. So, for example, tonight, he might go to see you. Are you ready to meet him? That is very very important. May "the maple peacock" for you be with you!!
也因為 Mr Riu 的用心,他的作品常常在 Instagram 的每周藝術競賽中獲獎,像是這幅「Maple Peacock」就是他首度獲獎的作品。有興趣的人,千萬別錯過他的部落格或 Instagram 喔!
文章出處/ 大人物
圖片來源/ Mr Riu’s Instagram